Altice USA and Charter have the highest forecasted returns in our list, and we believe fears about the threat from AT&T are overdone.
We continue to be bullish on most Tobacco stocks, reassured by recent updates from British American Tobacco and Imperial Brands.
Mastercard lost 5.6% in May and moved into the top-10; recent volume data shows earnings at card networks are near a turning point.
We downgraded two stocks to Neutral - Root Inc., where our technical call was wrong (twice), and L'Oréal, after it gained 43% in 15 months.
Intuit gained 6.5% while Ansys lost 7.6% in May, a contrast in software stocks, but we continue to be bullish on Intuit while Neutral on Ansys
This is part of a monthly series where we highlight notable share price moves and rating changes in our research coverage. The goal is to identify the most attractive opportunities each month and to provide a track record of our research. Similar content previously formed part of our monthly fund updates.